#adminer | #nginx | #php | #database Adminer A persistent (non-nomad) jail with Adminer (Full) & Adminer Editor (MySQL)
#mariadb | #mysql | #database | #sql MariaDB (Server) MariaDB is a database server derived from (and largely compatible with) MySQL.
#mariadb | #mysql | #database | #sql | #cluster | #galera | #redundancy MariaDB (Galera Cluster) MariaDB-Galera is a database cluster derived from (and largely compatible with) MySQL.
#postgresql | #sql | #database | #mastodon Postgres-Single This is a single-server PostgreSQL jail with access from the local network.
#postgresql | #patroni | #sql | #database Patroni PostgreSQL This is a PostgreSQL server jail that supports redundancy via Patroni.
#redis | #database | #mastodon Redis-Single Redis is an in-memory data structure store used as a database, cache, message broker, and streaming engine.